Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jordan Baker: a poem

A slurry white lie does naught but add
To the all the sensuality which she had
Her sculpted frame, undying eyes
She, a goddess, despite her lies
Her witty humor and intelligent stead
Lends her forever a-swim in my head
Her confident independence gives me to chase
She struts all about with an unstoppable pace
Her hair pulsing in a short ‘“bob’by” tease
If only if only, her body I could lease
I would follow her down to the end of the age
Her beauty, innate unfit for a gage
Even just to chase, to crawl from the floor
Despite having nothing I’ll never feel poor
My Jordan, she walks in freedom and night
To see her face as it glows in the light…

Jordan Baker: A guest Entry with our good friend Peter Saunders

An athlete’s form, a female’s grace
A slender arm, a sunlit face
So quickly I my words misplace
As I enjoy her prized embrace

Mysterious, yet stirring, she
evokes an unseen lust in me
Alas, there is no price or fee
to purchase her reality

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lovers Looking Backward

cherry blossoms blanket the weeping willows twisted branches in a rosy-pink Eden, as it weeps tears of the joy for the beauty it now sees in its reflection in the eternal rapids which sway about around it, remembering back to years before when the cherry tree and the weeping willow were separated but as autumn came and its chilled breezes blew their leaves around in circular motions. They danced together throughout the day playfully singing the chant of pleasure, at night as it sunk, alighting so softly down the river, once again honoring the creation that placed these two side by side. Until ever so slowly day by day, branches became intertwined and after centuries of nights and days played one after the other in intermittent bliss, each time more pleasure-filled than the last, as the trees now were one wrapped around each other, with that sort of magnificent rustic glow: no ax could cut it down, and now as these two lovers looked down they realized that they were no longer two trees, but rather, now, one.


i want to see you,
i don't care how
i don't care when
preferably now
just to see you
your hair all entangled
still slightly wet
yet in beauty mangled
your sweatpants on,
a v-neck tee
anything really
just close to me
wearing a smile
thats faithful and true
giggling lightly
o what do i do
i stare at you breathless 
mouth off hinge
to stay here forever
i'd go through the bends
you are 6 inches away
with arms open wide
if only you knew
this love which i hide
i love you my lady
which you may not hear
if only i were strong
i wouldn't stop for fear
And as you move on
and i stay the same
you deserve to know...
i melt at your name

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Longest Six Seconds Continued (seconds 6-43) a muffled deep-voiced mumble, he is barely audible, but the seriousness, hope, and light in his eyes, speak more than the words--silence, endless it seems draws on for almost 2 seconds as thoughts began to form of rejection: "O dear God what would I say, do I play it off as the puppy-faced mess of pity, the jerk who leaves curtly, two stab her in the back, is it possible these are my only two...but then she smiles and his mind goes absolutely blank of everything and for a millisecond he stares, and finding no fault in all he sees, he now re-enters his state of perpetual anxiety as he wonders what she sees, knowing how many imperfections could be named in a moment with his face and body now quite close to her. She nods her head giggling, as sweat begins to congeal on his forehead.-----"Crap, i hadn't thought about this possibility", he nods his head now looking like a total idiot mumbling something in inane gibberish fumbling around so self-conscious and embarrassed  he would go to a Grizzly bear for comfort. She hugs him, doing all of its magic, and then skips off smiling turning around to share her gorgeousness and gives the sexiest wave he's ever seen still beaming--he smiles blissfully than melts. She turns once more as his gaze still has not faltered as her golden hair dances off the sunset's drowsy rays. He will recall this situation for days-years-and likely the rest of his life, and while maybe he will come to grips that his awkwardness was inevitable and that all that mattered was that the girl he mumbled these words too was now the woman in his arms. But one question, would haunt him- unanswered for the remainder of his stead. Why me- How did I get so lucky that every morning she is still here sleeping beside me taking comfort in my arms- that she stays- that she loves me despite all my imperfections and failures, and further still, let's me love her.