Saturday, March 12, 2011


i want to see you,
i don't care how
i don't care when
preferably now
just to see you
your hair all entangled
still slightly wet
yet in beauty mangled
your sweatpants on,
a v-neck tee
anything really
just close to me
wearing a smile
thats faithful and true
giggling lightly
o what do i do
i stare at you breathless 
mouth off hinge
to stay here forever
i'd go through the bends
you are 6 inches away
with arms open wide
if only you knew
this love which i hide
i love you my lady
which you may not hear
if only i were strong
i wouldn't stop for fear
And as you move on
and i stay the same
you deserve to know...
i melt at your name

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