Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lovers Looking Backward

cherry blossoms blanket the weeping willows twisted branches in a rosy-pink Eden, as it weeps tears of the joy for the beauty it now sees in its reflection in the eternal rapids which sway about around it, remembering back to years before when the cherry tree and the weeping willow were separated but as autumn came and its chilled breezes blew their leaves around in circular motions. They danced together throughout the day playfully singing the chant of pleasure, at night as it sunk, alighting so softly down the river, once again honoring the creation that placed these two side by side. Until ever so slowly day by day, branches became intertwined and after centuries of nights and days played one after the other in intermittent bliss, each time more pleasure-filled than the last, as the trees now were one wrapped around each other, with that sort of magnificent rustic glow: no ax could cut it down, and now as these two lovers looked down they realized that they were no longer two trees, but rather, now, one.

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