Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Life and Love: Spoken Word Poetry

The sledgehammer pounds on life's icicle spike
It’s driven inside me--inside of my heart.
It splinters my chest and it opens me up
And digs even deeper as if there is treasure in there somewhere
And he finds it
That part where Beloved, your home has its place
The only place in me I don't want to escape
The head of the spike its drawing closer to my skin and the hairs on my chest stand up with a shiver
Old sweat beads down around my heart into that crease of my chest but the blood pouring out
Of my heart's not new
The spike
It is melting
Like liquid sun glinting over the dried blood of my flesh washing me clean,
A river of faces of used to be knowns, people distorted sucked up by the past
Tomorrow will hold them no longer, and we all need some tomorrow
At last
I see
So beautiful
Beloved you warm me up
The insides of me bubble and shake with the you pumping through me
Pulsing through my blood
Your soul
A song
Our song
Too much?
You slow down and spread e'er so slightly
You U-turn around my ear so you can whisper my name and I'll know you're voice
You bear left down my jaw and tickle my cheek so I'll know what it feels like for you to kiss me goodnight
You pause at my mouth as you roll through the stop sign and redden these lips with your tongue
Beloved you drive out to the edge of my world, circling my feet you spin around like you're a ballerina and dance a tingle into my toes
And then you return
And I only wish to do the same for you
To complete you
To celebrate our conquering of life
Sprinting through every fiber of your skin
Letting myself in
Taking notes in your eye
Counting every drop of color that paints the collage of your iris
Studying the infinity of your pupils
Dancing on the follicle of an eyelash and falling
And landing
In that hollow before your cheek where I could call my home if but a moment
You and I
After melting life
After melting the past
What lasts?
Wont to sing and overcome
Wont to dance
To hold hands
For who?
For us?
Love is not magic or a sudden exchange
But the loving caress of a palm on my face
Your palm
Your fingers
“Hold me!”
“No!” I remiss
“I can hold myself”
“I can’t”
“You must” I rebut
Dance with me too
Love me so fully and fill up and pour out this vessel
Love me ‘til bruises cover me
Love me ‘til my teeth shatter with the weight of our kissing
Love me ‘til my nose can smell you like a shark smells blood from a mile away
Love me ‘til you can feel my love rushing through you
And I’ll love you ‘til bleeding makes you feel better and comfort is comfort only when we're together
I’ll love you ‘til our dreams become reality and we dream once again
I’ll love you further, then
I’ll love you ‘til our song fills the universe's silence and conducts it with a string
‘Til the universe taps its feet
I’ll love you ‘til my insides become you and you’re the half of my whole
I'll love you ‘til all those clichés ring true and yet we won't say them
Beloved we'll do nothing but sing
‘Til words aren't enough
And filling you up and life comes once again to the door of our body and once again we send it off in evaporated dew and you and I weld the pieces of our broken heart, bending our dreams and bringing hope to our souls ‘til the universe says "Fools and Lovers! just go ahead and go"
And it'll be just you and I and we'll be filled to the brim
With love
With the other
And then I'll love you again

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