Monday, October 22, 2012


Your eyes are one of the few things that make me smile
They light up when I talk and my insides are on fire
Your voice is pure and imperfect like Katy Perry without auto-tune
It beats the drums in my ears like the heartbeat of a blue whale
Your hands are always cold
But I will hold them in the dead of winter so you are always a part of me
Your legs are slender ivory towers
Often caressed in tight denim and all I can do is want you more
Your hair holds more secrets than any chamber
It is dark like the night but then
Your smile shines like heaven in Paul’s eyes
It’s so beautiful it could kill a man

I fell in love with each part of you
I fell in love and wrote 7 different poems
All about a different part
Idolizing each individually because the thought of them together
Was too much hope for my cynical heart

When you came along
It took me way too long to see
I looked at you and saw only my dreams
My heart blocked off everything about you
You were like pictures in a mansion I was unworthy to look at
When you let me in
When you let my heart search and know you like the back of my eyelids
I shot myself with hope
Drowned in the galaxy of your mind
Melted into your subconscious
Found a place to sit with you
I sat with you decades under the stars
I wrapped myself around you like a blanket
Folding myself into your curves tucking you in
To my memories
So I knew you weren’t my imagination
I wanted to borrow God’s breath
Whisper the stars to you
Hurricane the moon to earth
See it light you up in my dreams
As we watched tides that were way too large
My mind longed to watch you every second
Clicking photographs every moment
Watching you change
I zoomed way too close on your eye
The camera exploded in green and gold
Like the sunset of resurrection
Your eyes, indefinable like an eagle
Played freeze tag with mine
In space
And comets struck the chartreuse plain of your iris
Colliding and fracturing bits of emerald and flecks of gold
And at that moment
As planets spun in your eye
As your face looked like every smile you’d ever wore
Dancing with your hair
Like Etta James, “At Last”
I realized
You were the one I’d written for

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Almost Christian in a not so almost hell

This poem may hurt.
It may make you want to cover your ears
And you might as well close your eyes
Because you’ve already closed your heart and mind
It’s amazing how comfortable you are in your masks
For some of you it’s light because you’ve eaten away all of the you that used to fill it
You’re now just an echo in a shell
You are a snow machine hooked up to a beeping lie detector
Some of you can hardly carry your mask
But you insist on pushing it in front of you like a Grand Piano playing a tune you wish you spoke
This is for you social drinkers
You one time smokers
You just a kiss turning all-nighters
You who make out in tinted windows
You who blame it on the alcohol
You barely survivors
You who speak at your parents
You who don’t speak at all
You electric smilers
You hypnotizers; Womanizers
You aborters
You thieves and robbers
You joke-too-far-ers
You liars
You lusters
You over-trusters
You who cheat on homework but not tests
You who cheat on multiple choice but never short answers
You gamblers
You judgers
You hypocrites
You insulters
You who step on other's backs to keep your head afloat
You who don’t give a flying fuck
You attention whores
You gossipers
You pillow talkers
You one-nighters
You people over God-ers
You blasphemers
You self-servers
You who raise your hands because you like being looked at
You who cry so people will give you a hug
You gorgers of selfishness
This is for you.
Mr. or Ms. First Priority
He looks around
He can’t help but ask, “Where is everybody”
Where are the altar prayers?
The scar free prayer warriors?
Where are the Amen-ers?
The hand raisers?
The Jesus shouters?
The VBS-ers?
The church dinners?
And he looks down from his throne fashioned of grace
Into a pit he intended for fallen angels
He will find you there
Confused and thirsty
Gnashing your teeth
He will see you Oh Almost Christians
And almost wonder if His way was too narrow
As you wish you were in an almost hell
He will remember calling you
Remember knocking on the door of your heart
Having the key but not barging in
He can still feel what stone your heart is made of
He remembers your memorized prayers
Your go-with-the-crowd lifestyle
Your “I am God” attitude
Your lack of real belief
How you tried to cover his creation
How you failed to create your own
A tear falls
But it evaporates just before your parched mouth
You were soldiers without scars and this is your share of hell.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Your Hands

Your hands are cold.
But they are soft
Your hands fit perfectly inside mine like the underside of a boat
We float
Your weaknesses covered up with my fingers
This union is endless
Sometimes when the world is too loud
When your eyes are too beautiful to look into
When it feels like time is slipping away
I reach out and grab your hand
So I can enjoy saying something without words
Saying I am fragile
Saying I love you
Sometimes I hold onto your hand too tight
It is because I don’t want you to disappear
When time sands down the puzzle pieces of our fingers
When it bedecks our hands with wrinkles
Like someone who stayed in the pool way too long
I will still hold your hand
Still weave my fingers inside yours
Locking them into place
Listening to the echo of the silence
Like the sound of the ocean in a conch shell
Conducted with sound waves
To the rhythm of raindrops and beating hearts
The first time I held your hand
It was wet
My hands sweat like an equatorial noontime
I was nervous as hell
You pretended not to notice
You grazed your long left forefinger on my palm
As if my hand could melt any more from your touch
And best of all there was a second
And a third
I held your hand this morning for the 4,982nd time
When I hold you tonight
When I stop kissing you to reach for your hand
When my fingers finish their tango with yours
When they slide into their place
In the valleys of your knuckles
When they squeeze you one last time to make sure you're still there
When they open musically, like an accordion for air
When they let you slip away
Hugging the space between your fingers
Letting go
Defying before we sleep
Any thought of not being we

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Vampires (a question poem)

Maybe the reason vampires live forever is because they never have to see themselves in a mirror.
Maybe it’s because the dust of deceit can’t rest on their skin
They never have to wake up thinking themselves in a different age.
Never forced to paint themselves for a judging world
Modest out of necessity
Because sometimes the truth is too much to leave bare
They sniff out the lies of the masses like fresh meat
Chasing it down with alacrity
Biting the deception from the jugulars of the adolescent
Bleeding their own truth in
Sucking out the falsities that define us until we shine.
Truth glitters.