Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Your Hands

Your hands are cold.
But they are soft
Your hands fit perfectly inside mine like the underside of a boat
We float
Your weaknesses covered up with my fingers
This union is endless
Sometimes when the world is too loud
When your eyes are too beautiful to look into
When it feels like time is slipping away
I reach out and grab your hand
So I can enjoy saying something without words
Saying I am fragile
Saying I love you
Sometimes I hold onto your hand too tight
It is because I don’t want you to disappear
When time sands down the puzzle pieces of our fingers
When it bedecks our hands with wrinkles
Like someone who stayed in the pool way too long
I will still hold your hand
Still weave my fingers inside yours
Locking them into place
Listening to the echo of the silence
Like the sound of the ocean in a conch shell
Conducted with sound waves
To the rhythm of raindrops and beating hearts
The first time I held your hand
It was wet
My hands sweat like an equatorial noontime
I was nervous as hell
You pretended not to notice
You grazed your long left forefinger on my palm
As if my hand could melt any more from your touch
And best of all there was a second
And a third
I held your hand this morning for the 4,982nd time
When I hold you tonight
When I stop kissing you to reach for your hand
When my fingers finish their tango with yours
When they slide into their place
In the valleys of your knuckles
When they squeeze you one last time to make sure you're still there
When they open musically, like an accordion for air
When they let you slip away
Hugging the space between your fingers
Letting go
Defying before we sleep
Any thought of not being we

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