Thursday, November 22, 2012

When You're too Damn Beautiful

“to the girl whose eyes will help me recognize heaven, to my living dream, to the one God’s pointing me towards, to the girl I can whisper with, to the girl I will dream with, to the only one whose made me smile this much, to the girl I can’t wait for”
When you’re too damn beautiful
When I behold you
When I hold you
When your fingers slide home between mine
When you speak like angels took over your mouth
When your song sounds like a throne room
When you put the stars to shame as you walk outside at night
When you make creation jealous
When I feel you relax for me
When I hear your soul like my future heartbeat
When I sense how much of you I live for
When I almost but don’t tell you I love you
When we almost kiss
When in that trance I find why I’m here
When I can no longer go to sleep
When reality is just that much better with you
When I’d rather talk to you than do anything else
When you make my mind wander
When it wanders too far
When you tell me yours does too
When we don’t know what to do
When I reach my hand in tomorrow for more time with you
When we figure it out
When we don’t
When I can’t see life without you
When we plan our future
When we outdo it
When you dare to be beautiful
When you fall for me
When I catch you
When you tell me how you feel
When they let us be real
Your smile is cemented on the back of my eyelids
Your eyes known more by my retinas then my own
Your perfect form molded just for the puzzle piece of my body
Your question asked just for me to answer
Your laugh the best sound of all time
Your hands around mine
Your Jesus
Too perfect for me
Too many better moments with you
Too many tomorrows I want with you
Too many bingo cards in our retirement home
Too much love in this heart
Too close to give up
Too many breaths of mine you’ve taken
Too much of you in my dreams
Too much of you to do anything but be with you
To you who makes my heart speak like a saxophone,
Spelled D-A-Y-U-M-M-M
Damn every picture
Damn every thought
Damn every living instinct for just me
Damn every bad word I’ve spoken
Damn my lies
Damn my arrogance
Damn my sin that almost didn’t let you in
Damn the pride I should’ve fell from
Damn all I will do incorrectly
Damn the past of all it tries to hold
Damn, when I see you I melt like a cheap advent candle
Beautiful I will never know how many colors glorify your eyes
Beautiful like our first sunrise as a couple
Beautiful like making breakfast together
Beautiful like family
Beautiful over pain
Beautiful who I can’t get out of my brain
Beautiful who washes over me like dew
Beautiful, Beautiful is you
Beautiful like sundresses and winter coats and fire places
Beautiful like hugs and kisses and sweaty palms
Beautiful like no kisses lost
Beautiful like Proverbs 31
Beautiful like the air I can’t get when you are around me
Beautiful, I can’t breathe

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