Monday, June 27, 2011

Grace so sweet. War so real

Without a taste of how bad our present stead is it is inescapable the full understanding of grace and mercy. Understanding mercy is directly connected with loving mercy and loving mercy directly predecessory to showing it. Real pain yields the only real understanding of real comfort and real saving.

I arise by fear
I waken not out of desire
I love by tear
Affection smelt by fire
I go to war
So, to worship peace
I go to war
To stay on my knees
I go to war
To taste disaster
Not coated by deceit
I go to war to understand
The meaning of these washed feet

Saturday, June 25, 2011

An Invictus Parody on the Weight of Sin

Black is the night that covers me
Dark as the pit in my deepest pole
I thank my God who reigns on high
That conquered, he has my soul

In the fail clutch of circumstance
I've neither winced scarce shed a tear
For I've found joy in eternal stance
A philosophy void of fear

Though trials they come with deaf'ning sound
I sustain the bludgeonings of chance
With close-knit faith i try resound
My bloodied head now bowed

God's teachings of himself (A Psalm)

O God, my God, I felt forsaken
Abused of time in focused self
That a friend, a brother, now was taken
I longed for a revival to put on shelf

I felt afraid of Union's desire
I longed for a shallow peace
One whose stead, evil not transpired
A mountain top sold for lease

But as i look, reverting back
I feel a closeness warm and sweet
A joy so whelming I couldn't lack
That my Creator, Almighty King, came low to wash my feet

Humbly I resume it is all that I can
To serve a King on High Above sent his only son
What can I do but praise his name, alas with lifted hand
And see at last my Maker's face, gleaming like the sun

I once had feared its immortal peace
And wished to but live my wars
And though I'm shaken, chilled, and sad
I have intimacy with my Lord

Tragedy's Response

I am overcome with eternal joy.
The life I live is not my own.
Tragedy has a sinister way of re-engrappling its gnarled branches through and over time.
Their wiry snake like seekers prey on the weak of mind
But Take Heart!
O ye weeping.
These bleeding tears of death.
Wet my tongue not with sadness.
But a fiery passion to his stead.
A call to remember a horrific end.
And all I know, is grace

The Waiting Place

On a quiet morning in the beautiful etherea of songbirds and oxygen forgotten in our time, i sit. i wait.

I wait for life to fill these dry veins
I wait for death to wash it all away
I wait for wealth to bring pleasure rather than pain
I wait for poverty to humble; to lay

I wait for love to fill me inside
I wait for empathy the surest affection
I wait for grace to come an abide
I wait for humility in my many correction

I wait because I can't not,
I wait because I can
I wait as if i hope to forestall
this fear-laden coming of man

The Cause of A Soldier (A Biblical Allegory)

You hear their screams and their moans penetrate the skull of your soul.
She sits in a chair far more comfortable than ought
Watching a screen with mindless plot

Chuckles arise at an outburst of pain
A laughter so twisted never ceasing to drain
Why my dear soldier won’t she remember your name
Your badges of service and discipline pierce your veins
You lay on the red field of battle near slain

Your broken pieces excruciatingly walk to the place of your enemy
Though on the same side an emotional villain
A stealer of love
One private Mcleelan
She would remember his name

Your wood-carved shoulders hoist his bleeding chest
On one leg you travel uphill dying for rest
 21 steps fell you short no more could be found
As 2 now lay fallen
One needing a crown

Your power was your weakness
You could not say no
To the evil of selfishness
You’d made it bow low

Soon men would leave you buried in dust
Your memory so tarnished
Incapable of rust

But I write these words to a Savior, my king
Your cause was my life
I let my praises ring!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Tall, Black, AND Handsome

Peace erupted into civil strife
Unchained but undoubtedly fearing their life
Buses ran empty and people in White
Met in the darkness to lynch in the night
Polls became literate to an illiterate mass
Black young men conned by white lass
No place for their going
No place for their stay
No place to call home for many a day
Yet slowly but surely true peace arrived
To catch up with the former to bring in true life
Of freedom thought dear they held it for ransom
Now standing in presidency, tall, black, AND handsome

Saturday, June 11, 2011

From an Irreperably Cheesy Brain

How long must it be between our sweet meetings?
How long must I wait for that warm happy greeting?
For your blanketed glory, your intoxicating grin
For once and for all my love not within

But out in the open
For all critical eyes
To be judged truly
Not muddled by lies

To unveil of my heart
And to unearth my soul
If only for you
That whether or not
You think you deserve
You know that with you, I can’t be apart

Friday, June 10, 2011

If You Don't Want to be Poor

“If you don’t want to be poor, then you never will be.”
Piggy-backing on my short paragraph on empathy vs. love, I feel that this quote (from the perspective altering real life story now made motion picture, “Blow”, starring Johnny Depp as drug Lord Boston George Jung.) Wealth isn’t a state of being, nor is it a level to be reached, but rather it is a personality. One that evinces to the public and air of self worth and with that, self confidence. Richness is the perfected state of satisfaction, which is found in different things for different people, often wrong things but things nevertheless. Poverty occurs not because of a lack of monetary funds or health and food resources, but out of man’s overwhelming desire for empathy and his ever aflame relationship with laziness. Happy people are always rich because they are cognizant of the things which they do have and devoted to furthering the appropriation of what they do not have. Poverty is rampant, but often among the wealthiest of citizens. Those that have never lived without can never truly treasure the things they are with. People are born into richness because they are born of richness not because they are bred by richness. Richness is a way of life and not a spendthrift party hard drugged-up one, but a way of confident, satisfied, gracious, and devoted living. Poverty is a way of life to often embraced by those who don’t have a right to its empathy. By people whose desire for attention and affection have grown so terribly ubiquitous, encompassing every part of their lives and their nature as they live for affection by dying to themselves.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Ramble deaux Death or something like it

Death in its disgusting, macabre, gnarled up matrix of happiness and disaster, joy and depression, triumph and defeat, has risen, unequivocally with reasons unquestionable to become the leading cause of the actual passing of a soul from this world to The Fork. (The Fork is this beautiful conundrum where after the bell rings and the time is up on our lives and we can touch them no longer, we sit and watch as the programming we input in our life is transmitted on the screen of this enormous event, compounding fear and relief as we sit and watch ourselves, moved by not our decisions in that moment but the culmination of those important ones which we made during our earthly lifetimes, and an inescapable force like a magnet draws you ever closer to either the bright laughter of the King of Glory, or tragically though justifiably toward the Prince of darkness.) Many would claim that earthly death is the only meaning of death, but i would promulgate that "death" as we know it is merely a deceiving misnomer for one of life's most glorious events, and undeniably, its most certain. Real death is the giving up on life and the purposeful, avoidable, yet pursued self pity that overwhelms the countless selfish people that romp around this God forsaken orb of rock with the sad, sickening idea that others care. The selfishness of mankind has grown to such a, while still disgusting, high level of involvement one, and participation, other, that it is almost hilarious. While so busy worrying that we ourselves are satisfied to inconceivable degrees, we are actually making millions of demons jobs a piece of cake, so much so, that in my own selfishness and sloth ive pondered how easy one of Satan's demons jobs would be. People often crasly joke that if they were to go to hell (as if they know they are--fascinating the ignorance of the human brain) they are at least going to have fun getting there. And How you ask, sleezing around, drug addictions, alcohol abuse, casual sex and fetishes, pornographary, peeping, lusting, and a slew of countless visual, physical, and audital sins, mocking others, not giving a rhinos butt about anything, living solely for yourself, not working with any level of intensity, enjoying life on the earth, living well, floating about like you are the only one that existed. Hold up, living a little (a dangerous slope) sounds a lot like living like Lusafer and his minions--ain't that some shit. (a PELUA (pyooluh) Piece of Explicit Language Used Appropriately) If this offends you, you may stop reading and close your computer, but i should warn you that it is that kind of self-righteous, holier than thou hypocritical religious attitude that brings about the necessity for these rambles which i and others write, so if i were you, I'd get over myself for a few moments and try to learn something which i imagine is nigh impossible as it seems like you've got it all down-pat. And when you finish this vignette all pissed off that someone had the audacity to convict you (obviously flasely) of the things in your life you most love and the very things that bring about real death which takes place on earth, and subsequently, the Hell, which results at the end of your self serving life.-Self-deserving death. There is a hilarious theory going around that God has favorites and is unfairly judges those whom he doesn't like, while in reality, God (who by the way--what a guy by the way, gracious, loving, just, saving, humble, servant-hearted, the Alpha and Omega, the Great I Am, and so often amusing. He just says whatever works for you haha, i mean obviously you get what's a-coming, but it is so ironic how God often uses what we think we want or need to teach us what we really want or need. I digress from this somewhat monstrous ramble to conclude. Death is inevitable, not necessarily something to look forward to, but nothing to be afraid of. It claims 100% of those engaging in life. It is a transition and all we can do is program our afterlife to the best of our abilities and the rock of a servant Savior to prepare for that Fork in this present-life. In the words of Jim Elliot, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he can not lose."