Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Cause of A Soldier (A Biblical Allegory)

You hear their screams and their moans penetrate the skull of your soul.
She sits in a chair far more comfortable than ought
Watching a screen with mindless plot

Chuckles arise at an outburst of pain
A laughter so twisted never ceasing to drain
Why my dear soldier won’t she remember your name
Your badges of service and discipline pierce your veins
You lay on the red field of battle near slain

Your broken pieces excruciatingly walk to the place of your enemy
Though on the same side an emotional villain
A stealer of love
One private Mcleelan
She would remember his name

Your wood-carved shoulders hoist his bleeding chest
On one leg you travel uphill dying for rest
 21 steps fell you short no more could be found
As 2 now lay fallen
One needing a crown

Your power was your weakness
You could not say no
To the evil of selfishness
You’d made it bow low

Soon men would leave you buried in dust
Your memory so tarnished
Incapable of rust

But I write these words to a Savior, my king
Your cause was my life
I let my praises ring!

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