Friday, June 3, 2011

Ramble deaux Death or something like it

Death in its disgusting, macabre, gnarled up matrix of happiness and disaster, joy and depression, triumph and defeat, has risen, unequivocally with reasons unquestionable to become the leading cause of the actual passing of a soul from this world to The Fork. (The Fork is this beautiful conundrum where after the bell rings and the time is up on our lives and we can touch them no longer, we sit and watch as the programming we input in our life is transmitted on the screen of this enormous event, compounding fear and relief as we sit and watch ourselves, moved by not our decisions in that moment but the culmination of those important ones which we made during our earthly lifetimes, and an inescapable force like a magnet draws you ever closer to either the bright laughter of the King of Glory, or tragically though justifiably toward the Prince of darkness.) Many would claim that earthly death is the only meaning of death, but i would promulgate that "death" as we know it is merely a deceiving misnomer for one of life's most glorious events, and undeniably, its most certain. Real death is the giving up on life and the purposeful, avoidable, yet pursued self pity that overwhelms the countless selfish people that romp around this God forsaken orb of rock with the sad, sickening idea that others care. The selfishness of mankind has grown to such a, while still disgusting, high level of involvement one, and participation, other, that it is almost hilarious. While so busy worrying that we ourselves are satisfied to inconceivable degrees, we are actually making millions of demons jobs a piece of cake, so much so, that in my own selfishness and sloth ive pondered how easy one of Satan's demons jobs would be. People often crasly joke that if they were to go to hell (as if they know they are--fascinating the ignorance of the human brain) they are at least going to have fun getting there. And How you ask, sleezing around, drug addictions, alcohol abuse, casual sex and fetishes, pornographary, peeping, lusting, and a slew of countless visual, physical, and audital sins, mocking others, not giving a rhinos butt about anything, living solely for yourself, not working with any level of intensity, enjoying life on the earth, living well, floating about like you are the only one that existed. Hold up, living a little (a dangerous slope) sounds a lot like living like Lusafer and his minions--ain't that some shit. (a PELUA (pyooluh) Piece of Explicit Language Used Appropriately) If this offends you, you may stop reading and close your computer, but i should warn you that it is that kind of self-righteous, holier than thou hypocritical religious attitude that brings about the necessity for these rambles which i and others write, so if i were you, I'd get over myself for a few moments and try to learn something which i imagine is nigh impossible as it seems like you've got it all down-pat. And when you finish this vignette all pissed off that someone had the audacity to convict you (obviously flasely) of the things in your life you most love and the very things that bring about real death which takes place on earth, and subsequently, the Hell, which results at the end of your self serving life.-Self-deserving death. There is a hilarious theory going around that God has favorites and is unfairly judges those whom he doesn't like, while in reality, God (who by the way--what a guy by the way, gracious, loving, just, saving, humble, servant-hearted, the Alpha and Omega, the Great I Am, and so often amusing. He just says whatever works for you haha, i mean obviously you get what's a-coming, but it is so ironic how God often uses what we think we want or need to teach us what we really want or need. I digress from this somewhat monstrous ramble to conclude. Death is inevitable, not necessarily something to look forward to, but nothing to be afraid of. It claims 100% of those engaging in life. It is a transition and all we can do is program our afterlife to the best of our abilities and the rock of a servant Savior to prepare for that Fork in this present-life. In the words of Jim Elliot, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he can not lose."

1 comment:

  1. Looks like I'm not the only one spending my summer reading Randy Alcorn; I especially love that Jim Elliot quote. For OCD's sake though, proofread this and fix the typos (please)! Most notably, PEULA should technically be PELUA, just sayin'.
