Monday, April 25, 2011


Through clouds of gray and seas of Red
I struggle forth, to bring Me back
Though now indeed with bloodied head
Resound, I shall, to not to lack

My nation, barren in this hushed musk
Summer awakens, ignites the cold
As ahead now draws to black’ning dusk
They strut aforth, timidly bold

They march to attack the preciousness of sound
I cannot have that, not mine be bowed
I shall to not to lack Resound
For of by free and thus endowed

This War of ideology, brought unfortunate this day
Where few are dead and wounded, a life is but a name
This dusty mess hath ruined now the pleasures of my stay
And I, in my still dying self, freely of this (game.

Time marched on through decades of April
Forgotten, scarred, on untouched shelf in this it doth resign
But time Won’t erase the scARS on my brow, or the smirk of victory]
For march I longer earth no more, better, than The line

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