Saturday, April 23, 2011


your smoky eyes glisten in frosted gold light
as it seems you wish that i stay the night
and now as i stand there with jaw clenched tight
i now must make a choice
of one to give in to this ethereal bliss
of one to leave in an angry hiss
or one to lean in and start with a kiss
i cannot make this choice
for as soon as i start and make my motion
just as quick might love impotion
and feelings to flare, i have a notion
i cannot make this choice
her lips now kissing i touch her skin
and for a moment it seems that sin doth win
till her affectious eye turns seductively kin
for now there is no choice
i stand there grinning, wishing to be
back where we were, her with me,
but "men, come"..."shame on thee"
o women what do you want!

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