Saturday, January 22, 2011

Immortal and Illegal Paradise

A halo girded with diamonds, covered in the most extravagantly radiant colors of purples, yellows and reds. High in the sky a rainbow made of Ice took the time to show me that immortality that is beauty. Such immortal things one cannot attempt to try to eventuate. As the thunderous percussion radiates over the black sky and Zeus’ mighty lightning bolt screeches down to scorch the earth, what does one so mortal, so lifeless have to know of such wonders. Prometheus, our creator made us breathing his titanically undying breath and we all are then able to glimpse this magnificent and unenlightened force of eternity. As on the dawn of a frosted Ianuary morning deep beneath the mountains that protect my inglorious valley I look up and in shock drop my jaw at the wondrous sight of the rainbow that stretches endlessly horizontal across an early morning sky. I look and a moment it is gone, but as the thin crowd of steamy clouds drift along the sun of Helios pierces them to show his affection for the ambrosially lustful Iris: God of the Rainbow. I may have gotten ahead of myself as I tale this tale, for I neglected to inform you of the unstoppable, and purest essence of love that embraced these two young deities: Helios and Iris. You see it was many an age ago that Helios participated in the almost schmaltzy and over told story of the boy Icirus and his futile attempts to fly led him to the sun where wings of wax melted him to his doom. However at this time, Helios was too young to control his heat and save the proud, yet ignorant child, Icirus. Helios stretched out his beams till they near touched the earth, in the vain attempt of locating or saving this fated child. In failure locating only the maimed and mangled mess of the adolescent, his emotions soared and he shone bright through the storm that fell upon the morning as the sky wept its child. Helios was a flustered fury of fire, uncontrolled and as his beams stretched further than they ever had, he glimpsed the goddess Iris who swept him off his horse as he stared awestruck at her extravagance. Helios was never one to be humble, and he would not fail to get his fated bride out of her colorful and messengerial rainbow and into his arms. Almost instantaneously did Iris fall for this smooth-talking god of the sun, but her mother Elektra, desired only for her to be with Dinsydion, a cloud nymph like herself, while her father desired for her to marry Nauticanus, a marine war lord. This bitter acridity stirred the water over cities and poured hurricanes over the seas. All of the water kept Iris out of her duties, but more importantly out of the eyes of Helios, who sulked in his high cavern of the sky assuming that Iris had left him for another. When in the great hurricanes, Nauticanus perished, her father shrinked into the depths away from his daughter and in an incessant terror of his stubborn wife of the clouds. Iris having now given up on their winter romance, agreed to be married to Dinsydion, but even so, her beauty was immediately recalled by her lover, and the fiery passion burned again. Dinsydion moved across the Earth’s plane always, but remained over his home during the spring, summer, and fall. Thus during the winter Iris would twirl into the heights of the sky hidden by a veil of uninterested clouds from the gods, and her love affair began creating the icy halos that govern the winter skies every so often full of lavish diamonds of ice that radiate the most beautiful and passionate colors in the universe, and create the fire shaped halo that represented the burning passion and desire, and the ironic angelicness of true love. Though she couldn’t be left unpunished for her affairs and sins against her innocent and unknowing husband, so when one day the veil of clouds was not so thick, Hermes was sent to check out what was going on, for the fire rainbows if you will, could be seen even from Mt. Olympus’ peak. When Hermes had gathered and caught on to what was going on, he flew on his flying helmet back to his throne to inform the gods of these affairs. Iris was sentenced by Athena the goddess of wisdom to only appear in the storms of her husband, but as Aphrodite felt sorry for the true love wasted she seduced Zeus with her lustful and exotic words that if he would hide Dinsydion once a decade that this true love could be seen by the human eye, that she would hide Hera’s eyes with love during Zeus’ many mortal mistress affairs. This was never a promise kept, but even Zeus could not resist seeing the infamous yet glorious fire rainbow hearken the spirit of love and blossom over the mortal sky. Even in their aging deific years, there love is so passionate and makes such a spark that it is revered as one of the most extraordinary natural phenomenon this world has ever seen, and in a way such a simple love story doesn’t seem to capture the word extraordinary, there is always one thing that forever captures its ambrosial essence and that is true love itself my friends, and every time you see pictures or by chance catch a glimpse of this sky bound love making, remember this, remember love.

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