Saturday, January 22, 2011

Non ad astra mollis e terris via

As mankind lies in wonder, dreaming of stars, craving their eternal state, we may look upon Seneca’s statement, in depression, over applying its truth due to the lack of hope in our own worthy desires. Why must men attempt to be solely content with who they are, and yet still somehow believe that perfection is within even striking distance? Hope then, is clearly the most powerful force of spiritual government over this helpless body of men! Though we can’t obtain success via perfection, we must shoot for the heavens and fall among the stars. Must we be constricted to these feeble bodies and this minute world? No one can tell us that one day this world will not be our boundary, and that no star shall limit us. One day we will count our steps among the galaxies and our leaps among the universe.
As mankind’s steps now imprint the moon and satellites govern the sky, where do we go but up? Only once in the history of mankind has there been even a neutral era in learning and technological advancement, this era of course being the death and plague ridden Middle Ages that lorded over Western Europe. The only way to prevent this complacent lull in the future is to keep stepping and keep climbing. We must go up!
Both culturally and philosophically we are told that not everyone can reach a star, but I would challenge you, that of the over 1 septillion stars of this known universe, there appear to be enough for everyone. While it is rare to be that middle star of Orion’s belt, or the sun that shines over our diminutive planet, every man has the potential to be a star, for all are capable to hope and to strive. Determining the path taken our destined stars, as if you were literally going there, involves overwhelming amounts of focus and patience. When the methods to reach our destined stars become uncovered, you simply GO! As our path is uncovered, and we gain knowledge and awareness, we are able to reach our stars, reach for the sky and in reaching; we touch the galaxies, as no star is too far nor a path too hard, If we are willing to hope, to strive, and to wait, we can all reach the stars. So as you sit here in this apathetic critique, I challenge you today to reach, to hope, to dream, for the path may be rough and the journey long, we can one day reach the stars. As a wise man once said, “mankind’s reach must exceed his grasp”, for whether heaven or nirvana or whatever you believe, there will be an end to the road. There is a destination, and to get there we must go! Hope is neither lost nor dead and its power still has life and meaning, for the path can be uncovered and the journey be started. One day we all can rest on the tip of heaven’s brow, with victory won, star captured, and destiny unraveled. Thank You!

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